Arvioinnit Bachelor Degree in Electronic Music Production & Performance :sta

Keskiarvo: 5

Perustuu 3 arviointiin
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Kirjoita arviointi
27 joulu 2018
Bachelor Degree (BA HONS) in Electronic Music Production & Performance

The fact that we had no exams and only projects allowed me to reach my own niche during the studies, and therefore be better prepared as a musician after graduating from DBS.

27 joulu 2018
Bachelor Degree (BA HONS) in Electronic Music Production & Performance

I loved the production techniques for visual media. The tutor was amazing in my opinion and showed me so much that I can use in my work and sparked an interest in new fields of ...

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27 joulu 2018
Bachelor Degree (BA HONS) in Electronic Music Production & Performance

Being a DJ Producer isn't the typical job you can rely on to make a living, and it takes years or hard work & perseverance until you can become a descent artist in the music sce...

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