Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management | Master of Business Administration | full-time studies

Business Technologies and Management is a Double Degree programme provided jointly by Haaga-Helia and Management Center Innsbruck | The Entrepreneurial School®, Austria.
Business Technologies and Management programme provides the skills and competence to work in demanding expert, development and manager positions at the crossroads of business and digital technology. Graduates become experts in the field of digital business and management, and can produce digital business solutions that meet new and demanding business needs by evaluating and utilising new digital technologies. Graduates may work as a manager or leading expert in information system development projects, a designer or a lead of digital transformation of business or a consultant in related fields.
Compulsory studies focus on research and development skills as well as competences needed in developing organisations and leading change. Studies enhance students’ abilities in analytical and critical thinking and problem-solving. Specialisation studies focus on digital technologies and business-related skills and competencies. Studies enhance students’ ability to apply current research knowledge in their professional fields.
International exchange
The programme includes a mandatory international exchange (one semester from March to July) at MCI, Austria.
All students will study one semester in MCI Innsbruck in Austria (March-July 2025). For the semester abroad all students will apply for Erasmus+ funding from Haaga-Helia by the end of January 2025 in collaboration with the International Services. The grant is app. 500 € per month and 80% of the whole amount is paid one month prior to the beginning of the exchange and 20% after the exchange and the verification of achieved credits and other documentation. In addition to the Erasmus grant students are eligible for the monthly governmental support targeted to students according to the national conditions.
For students with special needs, there is an Erasmus top-up grant. More information can be obtained from International Services. All students accepted to the programme are eligible for the Erasmus grant. For students that come from outside EU/EEA area entry regulations to Austria need to be checked from the Embassy in Austria of their home country.
It is noteworthy that students are responsible for their expenses during the mobility period in case the mobility grant does not cover them all. Moreover, part of the grant may be withdrawn if the student has not completed all the mandatory studies during the exchange semester.
Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?
Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management | Master of Business Administration | full-time studies, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.Hakeminen
Application period:from 3 to 17 January 2024 at 15.00 Finnish time.
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