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Applied Machine Learning | Master of Business Administration | multiform learning

Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, paikassa Hämeenlinna
1,5 years
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January Joint Application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
1,5 years
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January Joint Application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
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Applied Machine Learning | Master of Business Administration | multiform learning

Applied Machine Learning | Master of Business Administration

Do you want to thrive in an exciting and rapidly developing field of machine learning? As a student in the Applied Machine Learning Master’s Programme you gain a solid theoretical background in machine learning that also reflects the state-of-the-art in the field. On top of this, you get to develop the necessary practical skills to work with data-driven machine learning solutions within the industry after graduation. This programme is meant for IT professionals who want to move to developing AI based applications or solutions.

Content of the studies 

In this programme, you get the skills required to work on machine learning projects in different roles, developing solutions to real-world cases. Your studies will consist of profiling studies (60 credits) and a master’s thesis (30 credits). Profiling studies include following topics:

  • Changing operational environment and research-based development
  • Foundations of machine learning
  • Productisation of machine learning models
  • Advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence

A master’s thesis is a research-based development task on a topic suitable for the degree programme and is based on both theoretical and work-based knowledge. Your thesis aims at solving a question or challenge arising from the world of work, and it is based on research-based development activities.

Implementation of degree programme 

You will have campus and online studies during this program. On-campus studies will be implemented at Hämeenlinna University Centre. Your studies will start in autumn at Hämeenlinna University Centre.

Applied Machine Learning -tutkinnossa pääset osaksi nopeasti kehittyvää koneoppimisen alaa. Saat vahvan teoreettisen osaamisen, minkä lisäksi opit käytännön taitoja datapohjaisesta koneoppimisesta. Opintojen jälkeen voit työskennellä ja kehittää ratkaisuja koneoppimisen projekteissa eri rooleissa. Opintosi koostuvat profiloivista opinnoista (60 op) ja opinnäytetyöstä (30 op).

Koulutuksen toteutamme monimuoto-opintoina, joissa yhdistyvät verkossa ja kampuksella opiskelu. Lähiopinnot järjestämme HAMKin Hämeenlinnan korkeakoulukeskuksella. Opintosi alkavat syksyllä. Koulutus on englanninkielinen.

Want to know more?

For more information about Applied Machine Learning | Master of Business Administration | multiform learning, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.

Start & application

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Monimuotototeutus
  • Hämeenlinna
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: January Joint Application (8.–22.1.2025)

Admission requirements

Applying to the degree programme takes place through an online joint application system at

Degree / diploma

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Request information

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13100 Hämeenlinna

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