Degree programme in Early Childhood Education and Care | Bachelor of Social Services | full-time
You will gain skills to promote the well-being of children and families, with a focus on socio-pedagogical approaches. A key feature of the degree programme is learning Finnish, enabling you to work effectively in Finnish-speaking environments. The studies combine theory with practical, creative methods, emphasizing teamwork, community building and collaboration.
Content of the studies
You will explore real-world topics from early childhood education and care and social pedagogy. Your studies include themes like pedagogy in early childhood education and care, collaboration with families, child’s holistic development and creative and art-based methods that foster participation and community. You will also get to know the Finnish social care culture. The degree programme is taught in English, with a strong focus on learning Finnish, including 25 ECTS of Finnish language studies.
Work placements, totaling 36 ECTS, are integrated throughout the programme and offer opportunities to gain hands-on experience in various work environments.
After your studies, you will have the professional skills and knowledge to work in early childhood education and care in Finland using the Finnish language. You will also be qualified to work in other fields of social services as a Bachelor of Social Services.
As a Bachelor of Social Services, you can work in many areas of early childhood education and care, child welfare, youth work and adult social work. This degree prepares you to work as a social pedagogue in early childhood education and care in multiprofessional cooperation with teachers and childcarers, or in roles such as counsellor in child welfare institutions, family support worker, case manager, or service coordinator. You will also be equipped to work in areas like elderly care, substance abuse, and mental health services.
Tämä koulutus antaa sinulle valmiudet työskennellä varhaiskasvatuksen ja sosiaalialan ammattilaisena. Koulutuksen kieli on englanti, mutta suomen kielen oppiminen on siinä tärkeässä osassa. Opinnot yhdistävät teoriaa ja käytäntöä ja niissä painottuvat luovat ja toiminnalliset menetelmät. Valmistuttuasi voit työskennellä varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomina varhaiskasvatuksessa sekä muilla sosiaalialan sektoreilla.
Want to know more?
For more information about Degree programme in Early Childhood Education and Care | Bachelor of Social Services | full-time, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Start & application
Admission requirements
Applying to the degree programme takes place through an online joint application system at
You can apply if you have a qualification that provides eligibility to apply for higher education in the country in question.
Degree / diploma
Bachelor of Social Services
Request information
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