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Etsi koulutusta 👉

Marketing and Management, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

Joint application
Joint application
2 years
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
Joint application
Joint application
2 years
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
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Marketing and Management, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

Studying Marketing and Management you will learn how to gather, analyse and understand market information, and how to lead organisations based on market insight. You will also get the skills required to develop and manage business strategies, business models, product and service development, and market communication. The studies also include courses in international strategy and sustainability, marketing and management to give you a competitive edge on the labour market. Vaasa, being the "energy capital of the North" with a vibrant energy industry, offers a lot of possibilities for interesting internships during your studies, and a great start to a successful career.

Students in Marketing and Management will gain skills in :

1. Gathering, analyzing, and understanding information & insights about customer behavior in diverse market contexts

2. Developing and managing the firm’s/organization’s strategy, business model, product and service development, and marketing communication based on customer and market understanding

3. Knowledge to identify and evaluate strategic decisions in different organizational contexts

4. Analyzing and implementing an organization’s sustainable strategy, structure and business models taking the interests of different stakeholders into account.

Hanken School of Economics is a research-oriented university with high quality education - we are one of only 129 business schools in the world to hold the so-called Triple Accrediation i.e. the school has been accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. This means that Hanken belongs to the 1 % of business schools in the world that hold the accreditation. Our Master’s Degree Programme is ranked by Financial Times and Hanken is included on their list of top business schools in Europe.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Admission requirements

You can apply through joint application in studyinfo.fi.

Degree / diploma

Master of Science

Svenska handelshögskolan Hanken

Hanken – Svenska handelshögskolan

Hanken on johtava, kansainvälisesti akkreditoitu yliopisto, jolla on yli sadan vuoden kokemus kaupan ja hallinnon alojen koulutuksesta ja tutkimuksesta.

Hanken toimii Suomessa kahdessa paikassa: pääkaupungissa Helsingissä, joka tarjoaa jännittävän yhdistelmän huipputeknologiaa, muotoilua ja luontoa, sekä Vaasassa, joka on yrittäjähenkinen energiaklusterin keskus.

Hanken är ett ledande, internationellt ackrediterat universitet med över 110 års erfarenhet av utbildning och forskning inom ekonomi.

Hanken är verksam på två orter i Finland; i huvudstaden Helsingfors, som erbjuder en spännande kombination av högteknologi, design och natur, och i Vasa som står centrum för företagarandan och energiklustret i regionen.

Lähde: Opintopolku / Källa: Studieinfo

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