Accounting and Finance, Master of Science
Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations of accounting and finance while exploring how sustainable practices and AI-driven strategies can drive financial performance, mitigate risks, and promote responsible decision-making. Students learn to utilize advanced tools and analytical methods, such as those applying artificial intelligence in financial analysis and decision-making. They will also gain hands-on experience in financial modelling, data analysis, and forecasting techniques.
Overall, the MSc program in Accounting and Finance provides a comprehensive higher education that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic field of accounting and finance. The program places a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. It also fosters a collaborative learning environment, encouraging students to engage in discussions and teamwork as well as research projects in collaboration with faculty members.
Source: Opintopolku
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Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
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