Digital Marketing and Analytics, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
Digital Marketing and Analytics is a two-year Master's degree programme that combines state-of-the-art academic research and practitioner insights into teaching. The programme is designed for students who want to develop well-informed marketing insights based on relevant and meaningful data. Core themes emphasized in the programme relate to topics such as digital marketing, analytics, platform economy, sensory marketing, and customer behavior. The study modes contain individual and collaborative learning including expert lectures, interactive workshops, flipped learning, case exercises, and industry collaboration.
The students will acquire knowledge and ability to operate in key marketing roles in various business environments. Our graduates become marketing managers, digital marketers, system designers, data analysts, researchers, consultants, and entrepreneurs. Students who have successfully completed the programme will be awarded with the degree of Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration).
Source: Opintopolku
Separate application for Master's Programmes taught in English. You can apply though joint application at
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Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
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