Medical Physics, Master of Science
Master's Degree Programme in Medical Physics is a multidisciplinary two-year master's degree programme that combines high-level research and teaching. The programme is designed for all nationalities. The best 15 applicants are accepted to the program and the rest of the applicants are rejected. Applicants are not placed on the waiting list.
In the programme, theory meets practice: The programme includes the possibility for a clinical internship at the Kuopio University Hospital, consisting of e.g. quality assurance measurements, training in radiation dosage planning for cancer treatment and getting familiar with the routine tasks of a medical physicist. The clinical internship can be replaced with a research internship at one of the high-class research groups at the Department of Technical Physics at the University of Eastern Finland.
The master’s programme will equip the student with specialist skills in the field of medical physics. In addition, the course of study will provide the expertise required to pursue a specialization as a medical physicist and can open pathways to further advanced studies and fellowship opportunities.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Separate application for Master's Programmes taught in English. You can apply though joint application at
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science (Technology)
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