Sustainable Forest Bioeconomy, Bachelor of Science
The bachelor's degree programme in Sustainable Forest bioeconomy is a three-year international and interdisciplinary programme that provides students with a deep understanding of forest sciences, with a focus on Nordic forestry practices and wider applications globally in the field of forest bioeconomy.
The programme offers studies utilising the latest methodologies and technologies on sustainable management of natural resources, climate-smart forestry, valorization of forest ecosystems, and the circular bioeconomy. The students will develop problem-solving, academic, and professional skills in forest planning, management, and decision-making in national and international settings.
Graduates will benefit from the opportunities of the forest bioeconomy sector, a sector in growing demand that will require specialists who understand forest dynamics, market needs, and social aspects.
Key information
- Level of degree: Bachelor's degree
- Programme duration: 3 years / 180 ECTS credits
- Language of instruction: English
- Application period: yearly in January
- Programme start: September
- Study campus: Joensuu
Our School of Forest Sciences, is an active member of Joensuus' center of compentence in forest bioeconomy. It serves a lively community of well-known experts globally, peers, and connections to local bioeconomy institutions and companies. The programme accounts for an extensive network of partner universities in different parts of the World.
Lähde: Opintopolku
You can apply though joint application at
Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture and Forestry)
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