Tourism Marketing and Management, Master of Science
The strengths of our programme lie in the nature that surrounds us. The world is filled with tourism destinations and businesses that do not have well-known attractions or world-class infrastructure, but still manage to provide tourists with amazing, unique experiences and thrive in the marketplace. During this two-year Master’s degree programme, you will learn to market and manage tourism destinations and businesses in a modern, rapidly changing world. You will learn to utilise the possibilities of nature-based tourism business as a source of wellbeing for tourists, locals, and the nature itself. This programme focuses on four global possibilities and challenges in the tourism business: sustainability, wellbeing, nature tourism, and information and communication technologies.
We welcome domestic and international students who want to develop tourism business in a responsible way. We provide the students with tools and knowledge to understand tourists and utilise customer insights to provide customer value for incoming tourists in every step of the travel planning process: before the trip, during the trip and after the trip.
This Master’s degree programme is based on the latest academic literature and research as well as real-life case examples for companies and destinations from all over the world. This is a programme for those who want to be on the leading edge of tourism marketing and management.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Separate application for Master's Programmes taught in English. You can apply though joint application at
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
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