Katso tammikuun yhteishaun ammattikorkeakoulu- ja yliopistotutkinnot ja hae 22.1. klo 15 mennessä!

Etsi koulutusta 👉

Food Processing Technology | Master of Science in Technology

Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)
Kaipaatko lisätietoja? Kysy lisää 👍

Food Processing Technology | Master of Science in Technology

Food Processing Technology | Master of Science in Technology

Changing health and nutrition recommendations and global environmental issues set demands for the food industry to develop new, healthier foods sustainably. Food is something we all need every day. Changing health and nutrition recommendations and global environmental issues set demands for the food industry to develop new, healthier foods sustainably. That requires the overall renewal of food processing.

The Master’s Programme in Food Processing Technology focuses on processing technologies and unit processes used in food manufacturing. In this programme, you will acquire knowledge and skills essential in the renewal of the food processing industry and in the development of novel food processes.

The programme covers mechanical and thermal processes used in food processing, but also fermentation, novel extraction methods, the rheology of liquids, suspensions, and particulate materials in food processes.

What will you learn in the programme? 

In this master's programme, you will obtain sufficient scientific and technological knowledge for a career as a chemical engineer in the food processing industry or equipment manufacture. The programme also provides a good background for research at research institutes or universities.

During your studies, you will learn to create new sustainable solutions as a response to major global challenges. You will learn to create, design, and develop new technology and to work in an international team.

Teaching in this master's programme has been planned in cooperation with industry representatives, who are committed to providing real-life topics for projects and theses and offer internship positions for students.

During your studies, you will acquire:

  • knowledge of modern and future food processing technologies
  • skills in developing sustainable solutions and technologies for future sustainable food processes        
  • a professional network through practical assignments and teamwork on projects with industrial companies

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Food Processing Technology | Master of Science in Technology, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.


Admissions through studyinfo.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science (Technology)

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Kouvola
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)

Ota yhteyttä

Ota yhteyttä

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