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Etsi koulutusta 👉

Master’s Programme in Chemical Engineering for Energy Transition

Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)
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Master’s Programme in Chemical Engineering for Energy Transition

Master’s Programme in Chemical Engineering for Energy Transition

Chemical engineering today is facing new challenges and opportunities. To mitigate global warming, fossil resources need to be replaced by renewable ones. That is an enormous task, but also a great opportunity for chemical engineers since new processes and products need to be developed.

In this master’s programme, you will learn how processes are developed and designed. You will learn about traditional chemical engineering, the modelling of unit operations, separation processes, process simulation, process development, computational fluid dynamics, and product and process design. The studies give you the skills you need to work in any sector of chemical or process industry.

In addition, the studies introduce current topics related to the conversion of renewable energy into chemical products, such as hydrogen production, carbon capture, and the synthesis of fuels and chemicals from renewable power. The focus will be on the energy efficiency of processes and competitive product costs. Moreover, the studies deal with process intensification, where compact, energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions will make the chemical industry competitive also in future.

Teaching in this master's programme is based on existing challenges in chemical engineering. The programme includes lectures, exercises, assignments, and student projects. Novel teaching methods are applied. Several courses apply group design projects. The assignments are often about industrial topics and problems in converting power into chemicals.

The programme takes place on campus inLappeenranta. However, the programme may include some distance learning courses depending on the selections made by the student.

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Master’s Programme in Chemical Engineering for Energy Transition, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.


Koulutukseen haetaan maisterihaussa osoitteessa opintopolku.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science in Technology

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Lappeenranta
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)

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53850 Lappeenranta

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