Bachelor of Health Care | Biomedical Laboratory Scientist | part-time studies
Our Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Science program is designed for international students, offering comprehensive training in laboratory science. The curriculum includes professional studies, internships, and Finnish language courses to enhance your career prospects in Finland. Join us to gain the skills needed for a successful career in biomedical laboratory science.
Biomedical laboratory science is a field of the future that is constantly evolving. New technologies, such as artificial intelligence and genomics, opens up new possibilities for diagnosing and treating diseases. A biomedical laboratory scientist takes various samples, guides patients and healthcare workers, conducts patient examinations and analyses various laboratory samples.
Client service, in-depth understanding of the laboratory research process and quality management are core competencies of a biomedical laboratory scientist. A biomedical laboratory scientist takes care of the operational condition of research equipment and devices. A biomedical laboratory scientist is responsible for the well-being and safety of the patient during the examination and works in collaboration with other healthcare professionals.
Structure of the programme
The Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Science program is a 3.5-year degree, totaling 210 ECTS credits. The curriculum includes comprehensive coursework in laboratory techniques, human cell biology, and sample analysis. Additionally, the program integrates Finnish language studies to support your career development in Finland.
As a biomedical laboratory scientist you will study:
- Taking samples
- Point of Care Testing
- Clinical histology and cytology
- Clinical chemistry and hematology
- Clinical microbiology
- Clinical genetics
- Clinical physiology, neurophysiology and nuclear medicine studies
The studies include group work, lectures, independent and virtual learning, laboratory work, various examinations, and work-based projects. Supervised internship is included in the studies. Finnish language skills are needed in the internships.
Want to know more?
For more information about Bachelor of Health Care | Biomedical Laboratory Scientist | part-time studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Hakeminen
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Bachelor of Health Care, Biomedical Laboratory Scientist
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