Bachelor of Health Care | Nursing | full-time studies

Metropolia organizes bilingual Nursing education with no Finnish requirement. The studies are also suitable for Finnish speakers who wish to study in English and in an international and multicultural degree programme. Applicants must have the minimum of B2 level in the English language (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) to be accepted to the programme. The degree programme meets the standards of European Union directive for Registered Nurses.
You will begin the studies in English without the Finnish language proficiency requirement. The role of Finnish as a language of instruction strengthens as the studies proceed. During the studies, you can either start learning Finnish from the basics or continue the studies from your own starting level. Finnish language is integrated in the courses from the beginning of the studies. If your first language is not Finnish, the elective studies in your curriculum will be Finnish language studies. If your first language is Finnish, you can select also other elective studies.
The Nursing education combines both strong theoretical skills and diverse clinical practices. After graduation, you will be able to work in Finnish language in Finnish healthcare with excellent employment and career opportunities. Studying in bilingual degree programme will enhance your language skills and ability to work in international environment. After graduation you will have excellent job opportunities as Registered Nurse both in Finland and abroad.
Nursing studies
The studies consist of theoretical nursing studies, multidisciplinary studies, language studies, clinical practices, and the Bachelor´s thesis (15 credits). The studies require commitment, time-management and self-organization skills. The student must be motivated and committed to study Finnish to reach the required proficiency.
Various teaching and learning methods are applied in the programme. The studies are mostly provided as contact teaching on campus, as simulation learning, and by training practical skills both independently and with other students. Some theoretical studies take place online. On Myllypuro campus you will be studying in globally unique learning environments, including highly advanced simulation spaces.
Good employment and further education opportunities
As registered nurse, you can work in a wide range of positions in the health care field, working independently and in multi-professional teams. You may find employment in primary health care, specialized nursing units or the private health care sector. In addition, the Nursing degree will enable you to work as an expert or consultant, for a non-profit organization or in international duties.
After graduating, you are able to work in multicultural environments. The Finnish Nursing degree allows for the comparability of the degree and employability as a nurse in other EU countries. In case you wish to work outside the EU/EEA area, you need to check the country-specific qualification requirements upon graduation.
The Bachelor of Health Care degree gives you eligibility for Master's programmes in Finland and abroad. In Finland, further education can be for example in the fields of Health Care Management, Public Health, Nursing Science or Nursing Education.There are also options for continuing education.
Want to know more?
For more information about Bachelor of Health Care | Nursing | full-time studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Hakeminen
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Bachelor of Health Care, Nurse
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