Bachelor of Health Care | Physiotherapist | part-time studies
Our Bachelor of Physiotherapy program is designed for international students, offering comprehensive training in physiotherapy. The curriculum includes professional studies, internships, and Finnish language courses to enhance your career prospects in Finland. Join us to gain the skills needed for a successful career in physiotherapy.
A physiotherapist is a multi-skilled professional who promotes people's functional capacity, health, and well-being. Their expertise is especially needed when aging, injury, pain, illness, or everyday challenges limit an individual's functional capacity. The physiotherapist's role in promoting health is significant.
The work of a physiotherapist is inspiring, independent, and responsible. They plan physiotherapy based on the individual's needs and goals, working with clients, people close to them and other experts.
Key competencies include functional capacity assessment, guidance, rehabilitation, accessibility, technological, ethical, and social skills. Physiotherapists act as experts in multidisciplinary teams and networks at regional, national, and international levels. They design and implement rehabilitation programs, guide patients through exercises, and use various techniques to promote healing and well-being.
Structure of the programme
The Bachelor of Physiotherapy program spans 3.5 years and comprises 210 ECTS credits. The curriculum includes comprehensive coursework in physiotherapy techniques, human anatomy, and patient care. Additionally, the program integrates Finnish language studies to support your career development in Finland.
Main contents of the Program
As a physiotherapist you will study:
- Cooperation and interaction with the client
- Instructing the client
- Functional ability and its assessment
- Structure and functioning of the human body
- Biomechanics
- Motor learning
- Therapeutic exercise
The studies include group work, lectures, independent and virtual learning, practical training and various examinations. Supervised internship is included in the studies. Finnish language skills are needed in the internships. There are usually 2-3 contact teaching days per week.
Multiform studies require the student to be self-reliant and responsible for their learning, because there is less contact teaching than in the day-to-day implementation.
Want to know more?
For more information about Bachelor of Health Care | Physiotherapist | part-time studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Hakeminen
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Bachelor of Health Care (Physiotherapist)
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