Coreography, Master of Arts in Dance
The programme consists of two years of full-time studies that will help you develop your artistic and research skills and knowledge. You will grow your critical awareness and understanding of contemporary choreography, its practices, strategies and discourses, as well as the interactive relationship between art and society.
In the 2025 intake we have two different study options in choreography:
- Artistic practice and research
- Theoretical research.
The programme (120 cr) includes studies on choreography and personal artistic projects, contextual and theoretical studies, joint studies with other MA programmes, optional studies and an MA thesis. Our focus is on current approaches and methodological questions in choreography and performance, discourses on society and art, as well as on the work environment of an artist. Your own artistic projects and research questions play an important role, as well as collaborations with students from other degree programmes.
Our prevailing mode of study is research-oriented. The overall pedagogy emphasises the thematic trajectory of each student, supported by critical, reflective, analytical and explorative discussions with peers and teachers.
Lähde: Opintopolku
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Master of Arts in Dance
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