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Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat

Sustainable Metals Processing - Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, Master of Science (Technology)

Aalto-yliopisto, paikassa Espoo
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Ei mukana
Delivery method
2 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Ei mukana
Delivery method

Sustainable Metals Processing - Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, Master of Science (Technology)

Without metals, there would not be modern cities, energy, transportation, smart phones and many other products that are today considered the standard for quality living. Metals have been, are, and will be one of the main pillars of a modern society and economy. Sustainable Metals Processing at Aalto University is the only major specialisation field in Finland focusing on sustainable production and recycling of metals and minerals. Students develop a deep scientific understanding in these fields and are set for a career where they can truly make a much-needed difference in the world.

Upon graduating from the Sustainable Metals Processing major in the Master’s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, graduates will have:

Extensive knowledge of raw materials, metals production, and their effects on the environment, economy and society. Graduates possess deep scientific and engineering knowledge of many types of primary and secondary raw materials, their suitability for processing and their societal, economic and environmental impacts.

A systems thinking approach into process design. Graduates are able to apply systems engineering principles to process design and use the best practices to develop processes and products with quantified sustainability in terms of high materials efficiency, low energy use and low environmental impact.

The ability to conduct scientific research. Graduates are skilled to conduct experimental studies on metals extraction reactors and unit processes at low and high temperatures, gather data and evaluate process performance.

Expertise to act as a metallurgical engineering expert. Graduates have the ability to apply engineering skills in industry to, for example, develop feasible metals extraction processes, methods to produce clean water and renewable energy or products that enable a high quality of living.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Lähiopetus
  • Espoo
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Ei mukana


You can apply through www.studyinfo.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science (Technology)

Otakaari 1
02150 Espoo


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