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Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat

Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Aalto-yliopisto, paikassa Espoo
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method
2 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method

Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

ViCCA explores emerging knowledges and practices at the intersections of visual cultures, curating and contemporary art. We facilitate students to develop and contextualize their own practices within and in between these contexts. The major is open to artists, curators, scholars and practitioners with different backgrounds and experience, who are looking for opportunities to understand, challenge and shift the paradigms of contemporary art and the world around us.

At ViCCA, we provide generous, transdisciplinary and experimental contexts for you to develop individual pathways that are grounded in a combination of art practice, curating and theory, but which extend outside of conventional settings and into an array of social, political, economic, ecological, scientific and technological environments. All that we do is enabled by a supportive community of international students and faculty who view research, practice and teaching in a holistic manner. Central to our aim is to co-craft spaces for learning inquiries that merge, for example: artistic thinking and critical entrepreneurship; material-led practices and theoretical exploration; embodied research and experimental writing—all as much-needed responses to the challenges of contemporary life.

When you graduate with an MA in Art and Media with a major in ViCCA, you may not be immediately able to change the world, but our community will do our best to offer you the collective competences in critical thinking, curating and research necessary for the reinventions of work and life that we need in order to respond to the immediate socio-political and planetary challenges we all face. The evidence that a ViCCA Major experience does indeed achieve what it says on the package can be found in the ubiquitous and prolific presence of ViCCA graduates in prestigious, award-winning leadership positions in ever-expanding fields of art and culture and society, in Finland, Europe and across the globe.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Hakeminen ja kelpoisuus

You can apply through www.studyinfo.fi.

Degree / Diploma

Master of Arts (Art and Design)