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Nordic Master in Folk Music (NoFo) | Master of Music

2,5 vuotta
Syksy (joka toinen vuosi) katso lisätiedot
Hakuaika: Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
2,5 vuotta
Syksy (joka toinen vuosi) katso lisätiedot
Hakuaika: Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin

Nordic Master in Folk Music (NoFo) | Master of Music

The NoFo students will experience a unique artistic journey, studying at all of these high-level academies. They will get an insight into folk music traditions in four different countries and a great possibility to prepare for a Nordic career. Offering a lot of mobility, Nordic networking and intensive ensemble work, this is an opportunity that ordinary folk music master degree programs cannot match.

The program provides a great framework to develop and deepen one’s own artistic profile as a soloist though regular individual lessons with top-level teachers at each institute.

The NoFo students form a study group that works together for two academic years, spending three full semesters together studying at the participating academies. During the fourth semester, students study at their home institutions, as well as participating in an intensive course period at the Ole Bull Academy.

Ensemble playing has a strong emphasis during the studies. The ensemble, consisting of all the NoFo-students provides a possibility for every individual student to develop new music, ideas and expressions within the field of Nordic Folk Music. There is also room for solo projects and ensemble playing in different constellations within the NoFo-group as well as with the students at the different schools. You will perform with the other NoFo-students at different venues in all of the participating countries. A tour through the Nordic countries is organized as part of the final examination.

Nordic Master in Folk Music (NoFo) is an international master’s programme arranged as a collaboration between four higher education institutions. Together with your fellow students, you will form a tight-knit ensemble that performs regularly during the course of the studies. You will deepen your artistic expression through an individual work process and through the guidance of top teachers in each of the partner institutions.

Nordic Master in Folk Music (Nofo) programme is managed by the Royal College of Music (Stockholm, Sweden), Danish National Academy of Music (Esbjerg, Denmark), Ole Bull Academy (Voss, Norway) and the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki (Finland). The arranging universities take turns hosting the studies.

Besides individual work and high-quality instruction, the studies include a module in music management, where the members of the Nofo ensemble get to be in charge of organising a tour for themselves in the Nordic countries at the end of their studies.

Applications to Nordic Master in Folk Music (NoFo) programme are accepted only every other year, on odd-numbered years.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy (joka toinen vuosi)

  • Lähiopetus
  • Helsinki
  • Hakuaika: Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin


Application through joint applications system at studyinfo.fi. (application period 1.)

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Music

Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia
PL 30
00097 Taideyliopisto

Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia

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