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Master of Business Administration | International Business Management | part-time studies

2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Next application period unknown katso lisätiedot
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Next application period unknown katso lisätiedot
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Master of Business Administration | International Business Management | part-time studies

Master of Business Administration, International Business Management

The Master’s degree programme improves the students’ professional expertise to succeed in demanding development, management and expert positions.

The International Business Management (IBM) studies focus on the aspects of international business which are of vital importance for the international strategic management and growth of companies. We offer students the possibility to exchange studies with our numerous partner institutions.

A higher university of applied sciences degree produces the same competence for public offices and tasks as a higher academic degree – such as the Finnish degree Master of Science in Economics (KTM).

Study contents

IBM studies cover 90 ECTS credits divided into three parts: Core competence (40 cr), Complementary (20 cr) studies and Thesis (30 cr).

Core competence courses are the following:

  • Business process development
  • Cross-border management
  • Customer intelligence
  • Innovation management in business
  • Marketing management
  • Strategic business game
  • Supply chain management and smart logistics
  • Sustainable growth

Core competence courses aim to provide you with knowledge and skills to utilize and integrate different kind of business information to plan, implement and develop managerial interventions for the organization. The theoretical models and methods of the international business management are essential part of the core competences. One course covers 5 ECTS credits.

Complementary competence studies enable you to specialise and deepen your studies according to your own interests and needs. You can include 30 ECTS credits of free choice Master School studies into your diploma. The studies are categorized under the following themes:

  • Management studies
  • Research and development studies
  • Russia studies
  • Communication studies and
  • Entrepreneurship studies

The degree language is English. Teaching, assignments, exams and bachelor’s thesis are conducted in English.

Part-time studies

The programme is organised on a part-time basis and the studies involve a great deal of project work, teamwork and independent study. All studies are in English and carried out through blended learning methods, including lectures, online studies and project-based learning.

There are on average three contact days per month. Most of the studies are completed online individually or in small teams. Your progress is supported by online study counseling. The contact lessons are normally held during week days, typically on Thursdays and Fridays. It takes about two years to complete the studies. Contact sessions are mainly held on Kouvola campus.

Career opportunities

International Business Management opens a versatile career at the top of the global business world. The graduates have found positions as:

• Project Managers
• Market Supervisors
• Team Managers
• Development Directors
• Sales Representatives
• Account Managers
• Export Managers
• Entrepreneurs
• Logistics Managers
• Purchasers
• Export Operators

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Master of Business Administration | International Business Management | part-time studies, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.

Admission requirements

All applications should be filled and submitted online at www.studyinfo.fi.

Degree / diploma

Master of Business Administration


  • Lukuvuosimaksu EU/ETA-maiden sekä Sveitsin ulkopuolelta tuleville opiskelijoille 13 500 euroa / lukuvuosi, apurahajärjestelmä ja lisätietoja Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulun omilla sivuilla.
  • Tuition fees for students from outside the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland is 13 500 euros/academic year. Scholarship scheme and further information on Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu’s own website.

Request information

Request information

Want to know more about this program, Master of Business Administration | International Business Management | part-time studies? Fill out the following form and include any questions you have. This information will be sent directly to the school, and a representative will respond to your enquiry.

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