Master of Health Care and Social Services | Rehabilitation | online studies

The master’s degree programme offers you a possibility to develop your professional competence and share your work experience in an international and multidisciplinary student network.
Master’s degree studies strengthen your competencies in producing client-oriented, evidence-based and effective rehabilitation services.
You improve your ability to participate in demanding research-oriented development processes and work in management and expert positions in the field of multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Having completed these master’s degree studies, you are able to apply multidisciplinary and evidence-based knowledge and development methods which strengthen your expertise in rehabilitation practices and related research-oriented development.
You gain a deeper understanding of the health effects of interventions and technologies that aim to promote individual physical activity. You also receive the competence required in the management and reorganisation of rehabilitation practices.
In addition, the studies enhance your abilities to evaluate and improve the quality and effectiveness of client-oriented rehabilitation services. You also develop the skills to communicate and work in multidisciplinary national and international teams and networks in the field of rehabilitation.
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Master of Health Care and Social Services
- Lukuvuosimaksu EU/ETA-maiden sekä Sveitsin ulkopuolelta tuleville opiskelijoille 13 500 euroa / lukuvuosi, apurahajärjestelmä ja lisätietoja Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulun omilla sivuilla.
- Tuition fees for students from outside the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland is 13 500 euros/academic year. Scholarship scheme and further information on Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu’s own website.