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Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat

Geoengineering, Master of Science (Technology)

Aalto-yliopisto, paikassa Espoo
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method

Geoengineering, Master of Science (Technology)

As one of the top-ranked programmes in its field, the Master’s Programme in Geoengineering provides world-class education in the disciplines of geotechnics, rock mechanics and highway engineering. Programme graduates play a key role in urbanisation and circular economy, with their expertise helping to alleviate climate change and reduce the use of natural resources. Thanks to their highly appreciated knowledge and skills, as well as the programme’s close collaboration with the industry, graduates tend to find great job opportunities with ease.

As raw materials – used in construction materials, household items, energy, groundwater and basically all common goods – originate in the earth, experts in soils, rocks and their use are in high demand. Large construction projects, in particular, require engineers capable of designing the foundations, roads, excavations and tunnels, to name a few. The Master’s Programme in Geoengineering gives its students a great variety of relevant skills and knowledge. Geoengineering graduates have:

  • Extensive expertise in one or more of the fields: geotechnical engineering, rock engineering or highway engineering, with courses chosen by the students to suit their needs and interests.
  • Numerical modelling skills. Graduates can choose a study path giving them world class skills in advanced computational modelling.
  • Deep understanding of tools and software. Graduates know the underlying logic and basic functions of the most frequently used tools and computer programmes within the industry.
  • Co-operational and communications skills. Graduates are active team players and skilled team leaders who cope well with pressure in even the fastest-paced environments.
  • Experience from the field. Graduates have hands-on experience related to real-world construction and testing.

Upon graduation from the Geoengineering programme, graduates possess a comprehensive view of the lifespan of geotechnical structures, from the initial investigations, to design, construction, maintenance and recycling.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Admission requirements

You can apply through www.studyinfo.fi.

Degree / diploma

Master of Science (Technology)