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Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat

Information Networks, Master of Science (Technology)

Aalto-yliopisto, paikassa Espoo
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method

Information Networks, Master of Science (Technology)

The great challenges of our time, from climate crisis to information manipulation, all have something in common: they are complex societal phenomena and solving them is unclear. These so-called wicked problems call for holistic approaches that recognise larger connections between things. The Master’s Programme in Information Networks educates cross-disciplinary thinkers and innovators with technical yet human-centric skills. Tailored to the needs of the modern digital economy and information society, the programme provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between human beings and digital technologies on an individual, group, organisational and societal level.

Upon graduating from the Master’s Programme in Information Networks, graduates will have:

  • Societal perspective to networked technologies. Graduates understand the broader impacts of networked digital technologies and pave the way for sustainable, human and ethical visions of technology in society.
  • Understanding of how technology and information systems reshape businesses. Graduates possess a great amount of knowledge on how technologies from big data to cloud computing and from IoT to AI allow new business models and organisations to develop.
  • Ability for critical thinking. Graduates are skilled in actively evaluating information, technology and business models from ethical, philosophical and societal perspectives.
  • Socially conscious engineering mindset. Graduates are skilled with tools and knowledge on how to create societally sustainable and ethically sound technologies, organisations, and businesses.
  • Strong personal and interpersonal skills. Graduates have strong communication skills and are able to work with a range of different personalities and professionals. The graduates also understand their own role, identity and goals in the context of technology, business, and societal impact.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Admission requirements

You can apply through www.studyinfo.fi.

Degree / Diploma

Master of Science (Technology)