Degree Programme in Business Technologies | Master of Business Administration | part-time studies
The Master's Degree Programme in Business Technologies prepares the students for work in challenging expert and managerial positions in the field of ICT and business digitalisation. The degree programme is suitable for ICT and business professionals who want to proceed in managerial and expert positions in the field of ICT and digitalisation.
After the studies the graduates will be able to develop business information management solutions by evaluating and utilising digital technologies. They are capable of recognising the opportunities of leading-edge digital technologies and applying them for creating new business value and enhancing the business operations. They will work in positions, for example: designers and leaders of business digitalisation, managers of information system development projects, managers of information system services, consultants and trainers in ICT.
Studies provide students with general competences, such as interaction competency, required in all organisations and with business specific skills and competencies, depending on the chosen specialisation area by the student.
Compulsory studies focus on research and development skills as well as competences needed in developing organisations and leading change. Studies enhance students’ abilities in analytical and critical thinking and problem solving. Specialisation studies focus on digital technologies and business related skills and competencies. Studies enhance the students’ ability to apply current research knowledge in their professional field.
Specialisation Areas
In the beginning of studies, students choose their specialisation, on the basis of individual career goals and development needs. The specialisation studies together with thesis account for the majority of the Master's studies. Read more about the specialisations of Degree Programme in Business Technologies:
- Digital Business Opportunities
- ICT Services and Systems
- Entrepreneurial Business Management
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Master of Business Administration
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Ei ole ollenkaan tavatonta, että opinnot tempaavat Haaga-Heliaan hakeutuneen voimalla mukaansa, jolloin alkuperäiset suunnitelmat saattavat vaihtua uusiin. Näin kävi data-analyytikko Jay Bhavsarille.
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