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Supply Management | Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration

2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Hakuaika päättynyt
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Hakuaika päättynyt
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Supply Management | Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration

Supply Management | Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration

Extracting competitiveness and increasing sustainability for a company from its supply networks and chains requires special skills, competencies and tools for exploring and managing global supply networks.

The programme provides expertise on strategic supply and supplier management. It is unique in Finland and it corresponds to the growing needs of today's business by educating open-minded, innovative managers in the fields of supply management and purchasing.

Supply management is a cross-functional activity of a firm, requiring a broad understanding of international business. Your studies will integrate strategic management, international business and relationship management in supply networks.

In this programme, you will focus on supply strategies, global challenges of sourcing, and the development of purchasing and supply chains. Your studies will aggregate theories and concepts of business and technology and present recent applications and methods in the field, thus promoting your problem-solving, decision-making and analytical skills. You will gain specialised knowledge about the elements of supply strategies and factors of interaction in supply networks.

The studies include interactive case studies, company assignments, group work, independent exercises, literature studies and lectures. About 95% of the programme's Master's theses are based on real-life business problems and are prepared for companies or public sector organisations.

What will you learn in the programme? 

As a graduate, you will take an integrative approach to different business disciplines and functions of a firm and will be able to analyse and solve complex business problems in the field of supply management.

As a graduate, you will have:

  • competence in evaluating supply management and sourcing challenges and opportunities. You will be a supply management professional who can draw justified conclusions and analytically discuss the implications of produced research results;
  • skills to evaluate consequences of business decisions critically from a responsibility perspective; you will have a profound understanding of discipline-specific responsibility issues;
  • a professional network through practical assignments and a Master's thesis for a company.

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Supply Management | Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.


Koulutukseen haetaan maisterihaussa osoitteessa

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Monimuotototeutus
  • Lappeenranta
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Hakuaika päättynyt

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