Master of Engineering | Information Technology | Cloud-based Software Engineering | blended learning
The Master of Engineering in Cloud-based Software Engineering at Centria UAS is a brand-new degree programme, and it is aimed at you who wish to broaden your expertise and possibilities in working life. If you want to take the next step towards new opportunities and get a Master’s degree, this is your chance to do so. The studies are conducted in English. The teaching is offered in a blended learning format so it is possible to work alongside the studies.
The Master of Engineering degree programme gives you skills to master cloud development and architecting in the context of intelligent industrial applications. The studies will give you advanced knowledge, especially in cloud architecting and how to leverage the cloud as a software platform. You will also study management and research & development methods and tools. With these studies, you are ready to take more responsibility in the field of digitalisation. The Master’s thesis is a large part of the degree, and you will get a chance to start planning it from the early stage of your studies. After completing the programme, you can lead companies’ cloud development to support their business growth.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Engineering, YAMK
Seuraavat toteutukset
Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu on noin 3900 opiskelijan ja reilun 300 työntekijän asiantuntijaorganisaatio. Tarjoamme opiskelijoillemme laajan valikoiman koulutusmahdollisuuksia, käytännönläheisen opetuksen sekä hyvät yhteydet työ- ja elinkeinoelämän edustajiin. Kampuksemme sijaitsevat Kokkolassa, Ylivieskassa ja Pietarsaaressa. Meillä on mahdollista suorittaa työelämän arvostama korkeakoulututkinto tekniikan, sosiaali- ja...
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