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AMK-tutkinnot, päiväopinnot

Bachelor of Health Care | Paramedic Nurse | full-time studies

LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, paikassa Lappeenranta
4 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint Application January (8.–22.1.2025)
4 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint Application January (8.–22.1.2025)
Katso lisätietoja oppilaitoksen sivuilta


Bachelor of Health Care | Paramedic Nurse | full-time studies

ambulanssi ja lab logo

As a Paramedic Nurse, you will help trauma patients or people who suddenly fall ill and need urgent care, both in and out of the hospital. You recognise and anticipate situations threatening the patient's life, and know how to act as the situation requires. In addition to alert tasks, your job will include non-urgent care: examining patients, mapping situations, and planning follow-up care.

The work of a Paramedic Nurse requires pressure tolerance, as well as the readiness to act consistently even in difficult and unexpected situations. In addition, good physical and mental workability is required at work. As a Paramedic Nurse, you must be able to make quick independent decisions based on researched information and care guidelines. Many paramedics work in ambulances, but you can also find work in, for example, a hospital emergency room or intensive care unit.

Versatile learning possibilities and international working opportunities

The LAB University of Applied Sciences educates professional paramedic nurses, who are experts in emergency care with both paramedic and nursing skills. Our modern health care labs and simulation environment enable the development of skills, knowledge and decision-making abilities together with lecturers, experts, and fellow multicultural students. Flexible e-learning possibilities are also employed. 

The Degree Programme in Paramedic Nursing (RN) will open up a wide range of possibilities to work as a Paramedic Nurse or a Registered Nurse in Finland and elsewhere in the European Union.

Paramedic Nursing studies – theory, practical exercise, and ambulance training

Bachelor's Degree Programme, Paramedic Nurse is 240 ECTS and meets the competence requirements of future nursing and paramedic skills. The studies are based on researched knowledge that ensures the necessary theoretical and practical nursing skills.

In the first study year, you will become acquainted with safe and ethical nursing in theory, practical exercises and the right client and patient situations. In addition, you will strengthen your knowledge acquisition and communication skills. As your studies progress, you will learn a variety of skills needed in clinical work. At the end of the second academic year, an assessment of basic paramedic skills is held, and after that, you can apply for summer work as a basic-level paramedic.

During the last two years, you will study more about paramedics and special issues in nursing, such as childcare, emergency care and intensive care. The main emphasis is on paramedic studies, cooperation with authorities and situation management in emergency care.

Structure of studies

Core Competence 15 ECTS  

Professional Core Competence 100 ECTS  

Complementary Competence 35 ECTS  

Clinical Training 75 ECTS  

Thesis 15 ECTS  

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Bachelor of Health Care | Paramedic Nurse | full-time studies, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Lappeenranta
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Joint Application January (8.–22.1.2025)


If you have a Finnish qualification or an IB/EB/RP/DIA-diploma, apply for the programme through the Joint Application.

If you have completed your degree outside Finland, apply for the programme through the LAB Separate Application.

Tutkinto / todistus

Bachelor of Health Care

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LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu syntyi halusta uudistaa korkeakoulutusta ja työelämää – tehdä työstä merkityksellisempää. Haluttiin parempi työelämä, ja sitä varten tarvittiin parempi ammattikorkeakoulu. LAB aloitti toimintansa 1.1.2020, kun Lahden ja Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulut yhdistyivät. LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu on työelämän innovaatiokorkeakoulu, joka toimii Lahdessa, Lappeenrannassa ja verkossa. LAB tarjoaa...

Lue lisää oppilaitoksesta LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu ja katso koulutustarjonta täältä
