Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing | Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing | full-time

As a Health Care Professional you have valued skills and knowledge to help people with their health and develop community’s wellbeing. You will learn the Finnish language to help manage in different nursing situations in Finnish working life.
Content of the studies
Nursing studies include getting to know the Finnish health care culture. You will study themes like medical nursing, acute and perioperative nursing, mental health, gerontology, and management in nursing. You will study closely around real-life phenomena from health care. Studies cover essential skills, practical training, and a bachelor’s thesis, with a focus on learning Finnish.
Practical training represents one-third of the studies, and it is implemented in several phases in the degree in various health care environments. This allows you to acquire a deep understanding and a wide view of the different possibilities that a career in nursing can offer. We will provide work placements through HAMK’s partner organizations.
After graduation you can work as a registered nurse in health care service using the Finnish language. As a certified professional, you may also be employed abroad where nurses are as widely needed as in Finland.
The Finnish Nursing degree also allows for the comparability of the degree and employability as a nurse in other EU countries.
Englanninkielisessä sairaanhoitajan koulutusohjelmassa opit hoitamaan ja edistämään erilaisten ihmisten terveyttä kaikenlaisissa elämäntilanteissa. Koulutuksen kieli on englanti, mutta suomen kielen oppiminen on siinä tärkeässä osassa. Opiskelu on hyvin käytännönläheistä. Valmistut monipuoliseksi terveysalan ammattilaiseksi, jolla on ammattitaito toimia sairaanhoitajana terveydenhuoltopalveluissa Suomessa ja suomen kielellä.
Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?
Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing | Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing | full-time, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.Hakeminen
Applying to the degree programme takes place through an online joint application system at
Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
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