Biorefineries | Master of Science in Technology
Production has until now been largely based on fossil raw materials, which has, in turn, caused serious environmental challenges. The use of renewable raw materials where it is technically possible and economically feasible is one of the corner technologies for mitigating climate change and saving scarce natural resources.
Biorefineries implement a wide range of technologies and materials, and this programme examines them with an open mind and a wide scope, including the opportunities they offer in terms of new competences, solutions and critical assessments. In this master's programme, you will specialise in biorefining and related industries in the circular economy.
What will you learn in the programme?
During your studies, you will learn about the production of materials and to design and develop processes based on modern biorefining technologies. As a graduate, you will possess a unique set of skills for designing, planning, assessing, and operating sustainable biorefining processes and products.
Teaching in this master's programme has been planned in cooperation with industry, and it takes advantage of the recent developments and new opportunities in the educational environment.
During your studies, you will acquire:
- knowledge of the modern and future biorefining technology, products and raw materials;
- skills in developing sustainable solutions and technologies and the ability to design practical biorefining applications;
- competence in technologies integrated into biorefineries, e.g. wastewater treatment;
- a professional network through teamwork in assignments, as most of the students are working in the industry.
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Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Biorefineries | Master of Science in Technology, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.Hakeminen
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Master of Science in Technology
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Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT
LUT-yliopisto (Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT) on vuonna 1969 perustettu tekniikan, talouden ja yhteiskuntatieteet yhdistävä kansainvälinen tiedeyliopisto. Puhdas energia, vesi ja ilma ovat elämän edellytyksiä, joihin me LUT-yliopistossa etsimme ratkaisuja tekniikan, talouden ja yhteiskuntatieteiden osaamisella. Autamme yhteiskuntaa ja yrityksiä uudistumaan kestävästi....