Bachelor of Business Administration | International Business and Logistics | full-time studies

International Business and Logistics (IBL) is a bachelor’s degree programme that gives you a holistic understanding of global business with a special focus on supply chain management and the operations of international trade.
Flexible study paths will give you the opportunity to develop a professional profile based on your particular field of interest. If you want to lead the way towards a more sustainable future in multicultural business environments, then IBL is for you. You will gain essential business knowledge and skills to manage people, material and information flows.
Inspiring Study Experience
We offer you a dynamic international study environment with classmates from around the world. Many of our lecturers are native English speakers and experienced business experts. We are also well known for our positive community spirit and supportive study atmosphere that sets us apart from other institutions.
Studying on the IBL programme is a combination of interactive lectures, business simulation games, company field trips, and solving real life business cases and projects. You will be able to lead successful projects and teams with the help of good IT and communication skills. The IBL programme will challenge your critical and analytical thinking and your ability to make ethical and sustainable business decisions. You will find your passion in the field of business.
Applying theory in practice provides you excellent strategic thinking and problem solving skills. As part of Finland’s largest University of Applied Sciences, you will develop your interpersonal skills and innovative thinking in multidisciplinary projects with other Metropolia degree programmes, Innovation Hubs and external companies. At the end of your studies, you will further strengthen your professional expertise in a work placement and with help of your bachelor’s thesis.
Choosing a Professional Major
During the first study year you will choose between two professional majors; Supply Chain Management or Marketing.
Professional major studies are 30 ECTS and you will complete them during the second and third study year. Additionally, you can choose courses related to other business fields as elective courses from e.g. finance, human resource and strategic management.
Wider View Through Exchange Abroad
Since we are a truly international business school, we encourage IBL students to go on student exchange or work placement abroad. You may choose your study exchange destination from over 60 partner universities we have all around the world. Study or work experience in another country will give you a wider perspective on international business and improve your cross-cultural knowledge.
For some of those, who want to specialise in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, we offer also a double degree exchange option. This means that you will study a full academic year at our partner university in HTW Saar in Germany and, upon successful completion of the requirements of both institutions, you will be awarded with two Bachelor degrees: one from Metropolia UAS and the other from the partner institution. A clear competitive edge in the job market!
Want to know more?
For more information about Bachelor of Business Administration | International Business and Logistics | full-time studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Hakeminen
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Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Business Administration, Tradenomi (AMK)
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Haluatko vaikuttaa siihen miltä maailma näyttää tulevaisuudessa? Saat Metropolialta enemmän kuin tutkinnon – saat valmiudet merkitykselliseen työhön sekä taidot jatkuvaan oppimiseen. Metropoliassa opiskelijat ja opettajat kehittävät ratkaisuja globaaleihin haasteisiin yhdessä yritysten ja muiden kumppanien kanssa jopa 5 miljoonaa päivää vuodessa....
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