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AMK-tutkinnot, päiväopinnot

Bachelor of Business Administration | International Business | full-time studies

3,5 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Syksyn yhteishaku
Delivery method
3,5 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Syksyn yhteishaku
Delivery method

Bachelor of Business Administration | International Business | full-time studies

Objective of the studies is to make you a versital professional in international business:

  •  you are able to handle all necessary operations along the international supply chain
  • you are creative and innovative in designing services for international businesses
  • you are competent is working in multicultural teams and global networks
  • you have the necessary tools for solving problems and communicating the solutions.

Our International Business programme will prepare you to work on a broad scale of tasks in international companies. You will be able to handle all necessary operations along the supply chain from raw material supplier to the final consumer. After the graduation you will be well equipped for an exiting career in an international company abroad or in Finland - or for possible further studies towards a masters degree, which ever you choose.

The programme provides you with an inspiring and challenging way to learn by doing. You will work in international teams with your fellow students on real-life cases. Your information acquiring, and communication skills will evolve and you will develop your problem-solving skills within multi-cultural teams and networks. Besides the Finns, in a typical year, 40 – 60% of the students of our programme come from various cultures around the world. In addition, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences welcomes also a lot of exchange students each year. Thus, during your studies, we can guarantee multicultural explosure at home as well as through a wide range of opportunities for a study or working period abroad. All this prepares you towards becoming a truly global professional!

Our programme gives you a wide and versitale competencies in international business with the focus on Marketing Logistics, Business Processes, Business Opportunity and Strategy, Supply Chain Management and Service Design. In addition to multi-cultural themes and globalization of business, also digitalization and sustainability are the overaching themes through out the studies in the programme as we believe these to prepare you well to the future requirements in international business environment.

The studies in the programme are based on innovative learning environments including Problem Based Learning and Coaching: you will work in international groups on real-life cases and finally present group solutions to real-life companies. Also digitalization plays a strong role on the studies. There are different approaches to study in various courses. Typically these could include things like:

  • team work locally or working with students of our partner universities outside Finland on virtual basis
  • Lectures provided in-class or on-line and courses also involve independent study
  • coaching through exercises and learning assignments, often with real life cases


The first two years are full-time studies in Rauma. After that the student can very much influence on how large part of the studies is distance learning, based on the selection of alternative professional courses (specialization).

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 2 toteutusta


  • Lähiopetus
  • Rauma
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Yhteishaku


  • Lähiopetus
  • Rauma
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Syksyn yhteishaku


You can apply through joint application at www.studyinfo.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Bachelor of Business Administration, Tradenomi (AMK)

Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu
Satakunnankatu 23
28130 Pori

Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu

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