Bachelor of Engineering | Energy Technology | full-time studies
At VAMK, tasks in the energy and environmental sector are introduced in cooperation with local companies and industry. For example, through site and company visits, internships and the thesis process, the student gets to make contacts with interesting companies with an eye on his future career. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in laboratory studies carried out in cooperation with companies in the technology learning environmentTechnobothnia.
Teamwork is a typical way of studying and it familiarizes future engineers with the cooperation skills needed in the field. Engineering students can practice project and international skills in an international project internship. The study unit (10 ECTS) can be completed abroad in the service of an export company from Vaasa.
The goal of the education is to provide good skills to work as an energy technology expert in the technology industry as well as in the public sector.
Lähde: Opintopolku
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Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
VAMK on kodikkaan kokoinen, 3700 opiskelijan suomen ja englanninkielinen kansainvälinen korkeakoulu. VAMKissa voit opiskella insinööriksi, tradenomiksi, sairaanhoitajaksi, terveydenhoitajaksi tai sosionomiksi. VAMKissa opiskelu on aidosti yhteisöllistä, sillä kaikkien alojen opiskelijat opiskelevat samalla kampuksella. Kampus sijaitsee Vaasan Palosaarella, meren äärellä, aivan kaupungin...
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