Bachelor of Engineering | Automotive Electrics | full-time studies

Metropolia’s Automotive Electrics study program educates students in the multidisciplinary field of new automotive technology with an emphasis on the electrics and electronics of the automotive world.
The study program is developed to offer a broad systems-level engineering knowledge to accommodate the wide spectrum of the automotive electrics field of work.
What will you study?
Studies consist of
- Core studies 60 ects
- Automotive Technology and Engineering 60 ects
- Automotive electrics 30 ects
- Electronics 20 ects
- Innovation project and elective studies 25 ects
- Work placement 30 ects
- Bachelor thesis 15 ects
The students can apply for a short or long- term exchange in partner universities. The work placement period which is included in the degree can be completed in part or in total abroad.
What lies ahead after graduation?
After completing the study programme in Automotive Electrics, the graduates can apply for university master programmes related to Automotive Engineering.
Automotive electrics engineering graduates have a broad scope of engineering tasks in automotive world where they can participate.
Our alumni work
- in automotive electrics engineering,
- in technical trade,
- as technical specialists in training positions and
- in automotive aftermarket.
Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?
Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Bachelor of Engineering | Automotive Electrics | full-time studies, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.Hakeminen
You can apply through joint application at
Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Engineering
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Haluatko vaikuttaa siihen miltä maailma näyttää tulevaisuudessa? Saat Metropolialta enemmän kuin tutkinnon – saat valmiudet merkitykselliseen työhön sekä taidot jatkuvaan oppimiseen. Metropoliassa opiskelijat ja opettajat kehittävät ratkaisuja globaaleihin haasteisiin yhdessä yritysten ja muiden kumppanien kanssa jopa 5 miljoonaa päivää vuodessa....
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