Bachelor of Health Care | Biomedical Laboratory Science | full-time studies
The Degree Programme Bachelor of Health Care, Biomedical Laboratory Science educates experts in clinical laboratory work. The studies are based on biomedical laboratory science supported with knowledge in biomedical sciences, and the work includes collecting specimens, performing diagnostic testing, as well as performing near patient examinations in the presence of the patient. Professional communication and quality control are also key topics during the studies and work in the clinical laboratory. Laboratory test results yield information for detecting, diagnosing, monitoring, or treatment of disease. A Biomedical Laboratory Scientist works both independently and as part of a team. In the work, initiative, and accuracy are valued.
Basic content of the studies:
- Laboratory testing process
- Communication and interaction skills in the specimen collection process
- Quality improvement and patient safety
- Biomedical sciences and the main disciplines in the clinical laboratory
The laboratory testing process contains three main phases:
- a) The pre-analytical phase, that covers all stages from preparing the patient for specimen collection to introducing the specimen into the analytical process.
- b) In the analytical phase the core action is to analyze the laboratory test in a correct way, from handling the measuring instrument to getting a reliable result.
- c) The post-analytical phase includes interpretation of the obtained result and relating it to a relevant reference range, further lab tests and advice given to the patient.
The studies include group work, lectures, independent and virtual learning, laboratory work, various examinations, and work-based projects. Supervised internship is included in the studies from the second semester. The internship also provides an opportunity for students to make contacts with the Labour market.
Lähde: Opintopolku
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Bachelor of Health Care
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