Social Sciences, Bachelor of Social Sciences
This programme is offered by the Department of Social Sciences at of the University of Eastern Finland.
The Bachelor of Social Sciences degree consists of studies in sociology and social and public policy. Teaching covers key social scientific theories and methods for collecting and analysing data. These are applied to topics such as labour, education, care, multiculturalism and how they interlink with each other.
Teaching and learning take place ONLINE in lectures, seminars and reading groups. Tasks range from learning journals to essays and exams. From the 2025 intake onwards, all exams are taken in e-exam rooms.There are e-exam rooms in several cities in Finland, so travelling to Joensuu is not necessary. However, if you aim to be located abroad, be prepared to make a few annual exam-taking trips to Finland.
For course assessment, we use learning journals more than traditional exams, so the number of exams is not necessarily that high, but this does not mean zero exams.
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Bachelor of Social Sciences
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