Master’s Degree Programme in Music and Science
Have you ever wondered about music’s role in modern society? Are you interested in learning how music influences our moods and emotions, or why music is so good at bringing people together? If you would like to study these questions at a deeper level, the Master's Degree Programme in Music and Science might be the degree you are looking for. Here, you will develop an understanding of how humans experience and perceive music, and why so many people love it so much. You will become an expert in several areas of music research, well-versed in various technologies used to study this fascinating topic. Our courses will provide you with valuable skills, transferable to a great number of exciting careers within the broader music, arts and culture sector, as well as academia.
The degree (120 ECTS) consists of subject studies (50 ECTS), a thesis (30 ECTS), and elective studies (40 ECTS). The subject courses cover today’s most important and relevant topics within contemporary interdisciplinary music research such as music & emotion, musical creativity, music embodiment, music perception, music and neuroscience, along with the therapeutic and pedagogical dimensions of music. With the thesis, students prioritize one of these areas and carry out an empirical or theoretical project with the aid of an advisor. Elective studies offer students the possibility to create a flexible and personal profile based on individual interests and aspirations. Course work is complemented with opportunities to take part in ongoing research projects and/or apply for internship periods with industry partners. In general, studying on the programme requires full-time attendance. Hope to see you here!
Lähde: Opintopolku
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Master of Arts
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Opiskelijaystävällinen Jyväskylä
Jyväskylän yliopisto on Suomen suurimpia ja monialaisimpia tiedeyliopistoja, jonka avoin ja avarakatseinen yhteisö etsii ja löytää vastauksia tämän päivän ja huomisen kysymyksiin. Meillä voit opiskella yli sataa oppiainetta ja yhdistellä lukuisista vapaavalintaisista opinnoista poikkitieteellisen ja juuri itsesi näköisen yhdistelmän. Olemme...
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