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Industrial Design Engineering | Master of Science in Technology

2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Hakuaika päättynyt
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Hakuaika päättynyt
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Industrial Design Engineering | Master of Science in Technology

Industrial Design Engineering | Master of Science in Technology

Since product design and development are considered transdisciplinary, they require profound knowledge of design methods, manufacturing tools, production processes, ergonomics, aesthetics and sustainability. Skills in these areas help to respond to market demands rapidly and produce justifiable and usable products on a competitive market. 

The Master's Programme in Industrial Design Engineering provides students with knowledge of innovative design, manufacturing methods, human factors, creative problem solving, advanced materials, industrial and business challenges, and environmental considerations. This knowledge is needed at different stages of product development to meet the needs of industries, support product users, and respond to environmental issues.  

This master's programme is a unique study opportunity in Finland, combining knowledge of and working methods in production engineering, industrial design and material development. It emphasises a combination of design skills and engineering qualifications through project courses in which students apply their knowledge to practice. Projects are carried out in close cooperation with Finnish and European industries. As a result, this programme is a popular major subject that has seen a rapid growth in applicant numbers nationally and internationally.    

The Master's Programme in Industrial Design Engineering structure supports students through hybrid arrangement and project based courses not only supports learning goals but also providing more flexibility in the studies. The degree applies a hybrid of online and contact teaching. Teachers may provide teaching material to students online. Course presentations, seminar days, meetings and laboratory visits are agreed on flexibly with the lecturer in charge of the course. 

What will you learn in the programme? 

During the programme, you will acquire diverse knowledge of designing anything from a simple stationary product to a sophisticated one, such as a vehicle, and learn to consider the production processes and manufacturing possibilities.

You will acquire:

  • competence in areas such as innovative design, manufacturing methods, human factors, creative problem solving, advanced materials, industrial and business challenges, and environmental considerations. You will learn to understand different aspects of design for manufacturing, sustainability and creativity in design as well as the importance of consumer behaviour, development trends and value addition through new industrial techniques;
  • multidisciplinary project work skills to cooperate with experts from other fields, such as engineers, marketers, procurers, and project managers; you will participate in theoretical and methodological courses integrated into projects with regional companies and learn to see problems from multiple perspectives and solve them optimally with innovative  production processes, consumer products, interactions and processes;
  • professional skills to develop and design new products and services effectively on the global industrial scale; you will gain skills in concept visualisation, CAD modelling, product development, and technological and commercial perspectives, and in-depth knowledge of the selection of materials in production, design methods, sustainability and manufacturing aspects;
  • a professional network by learning about practical issues in design, production processes and applied projects in close collaboration with Finnish and other European companies.

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Industrial Design Engineering | Master of Science in Technology, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.


Koulutukseen haetaan maisterihaussa osoitteessa

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science in Technology

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Monimuotototeutus
  • Lahti
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Hakuaika päättynyt

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