Katso tammikuun yhteishaun ammattikorkeakoulu- ja yliopistotutkinnot ja hae 22.1. klo 15 mennessä!

Etsi koulutusta 👉

Innovation and Logistics | Master of Science in Technology

Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
Mukana tammikuun yhteishaussa
2 vuotta
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)
Kaipaatko lisätietoja? Kysy lisää 👍

Innovation and Logistics | Master of Science in Technology

Innovation and Logistics | Master of Science in Technology

Global crises and digital transformation have challenged businesses all over the world and created a need for professionals with unique multidisciplinary skills, adaptability, open-mindedness and the ability to manage business innovatively, digitally and sustainably.

In this programme, you will develop your competences in business decision-making for innovation and logistics, creative and innovative thinking, and collaboration and networking skills. These are what you need to succeed globally and to execute any digital transformations and sustainability strategies in organisations with an entrepreneurial mindset.

The programme employs experiential learning and integrates the best theoretical academic approaches to teaching with real business assignments provided by global and local industrial companies. In your studies, you will combine business, industrial management and engineering and will apply your knowledge directly to corporate challenges.

In this unique master's programme, you will gain a solid background in logistics and innovation management, quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, practical problem-solving techniques, and the ability to identify and solve complex challenges in today's networked business world.

The programme suits both Bachelor's graduates and people with work experience. The programme applies contact teaching. Core and advanced courses will be organised as intensive teaching, individual work, seminars and case studies, but minor studies will follow LUT's university regular teaching schedule.

What will you learn in the programme?

The programme prepares students for leading management and business development positions, especially in innovation, logistics, supply chains management and digital business.

You will have a solid theoretical foundation, quantitative and qualitative analysis skills, practical problem-solving techniques, and the ability to identify, assess and solve complex challenges in today's networked business world.

During your studies, you will get:

  • professional knowledge of innovation, logistics, analytics, entrepreneurship, project management, international business and sustainability;
  • practical methods and tools to address challenges in innovation and logistics management in organisations;
  • the ability to combine professional, analytical, quantitative and qualitative skills with practical problem-solving techniques and be able to identify and solve complex challenges in today's networked business world;
  • managerial and business skills in innovation, logistics and supply chains management and digital transformation in organisations to be able to plan and manage innovation projects and processes in different size organisations from start-ups to multinational enterprises;
  • decision making skills to make rational decisions based on decision-making strategies, frameworks, tools and analysis methods in global networks and markets;
  • an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset and teamwork, communication and collaboration skills that will enable you to work in international multicultural environments and manage cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary collaborative teams and projects efficiently;
  • networking skills to build and manage professional networks with other students, peers, scholars, industrial experts, and company representatives.

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Innovation and Logistics | Master of Science in Technology, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.


The admission takes place on www.studyinfo.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science in Technology

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Kouvola
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Regular Admission (16.12.2024–22.1.2025)

Ota yhteyttä

Ota yhteyttä

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Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT

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