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Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot

Master of Business Administration | International Business Management | blended learning

Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu, paikassa Kokkola
2 years
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application (1.11.–15.12.2024)
Delivery method
2 years
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application (1.11.–15.12.2024)
Delivery method

Master of Business Administration | International Business Management | blended learning

Centria’s Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Management is for you that want to develop your expertise and take the next step to advance in your career. A Master’s degree is an excellent way to increase your professional knowledge of business administration, especially in the field of international business.

The MBA studies are conducted in English as blended learning. The online lectures take place usually on Saturdays. You are eligible to apply for the part-time MBA programme if you have a higher education degree completed in one of the member countries of the European Union or The European Economic Area and you have at least two years of work experience.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Degree / diploma

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Tradenomi (ylempi AMK)