Bachelor of Business Administration | Business Information Technology | full-time studies

The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology trains you to become a specialist of digital solutions and digitalization in businesses. The programme gives you a new perspective on how information technology can be integrated with business processes, and how digitalization can improve business productivity.
Combination of business and technology
The programme combines theory and practice and equips you for a range of roles in the Business Information Technology field. The programme prepares students for digital business expert roles. You will also gain skills and knowledge to continue your studies further towards a master’s degree.
Upon successful completion of this programme, you will have a comprehensive understanding of future-oriented, innovative business operations. You will be able to automate business processes and implement service chains with the latest technologies while taking into account customer needs. You will have a command of agile and flexible methods and the ability to organise and lead projects based on analysed information. The programme also gives you the expertise needed to work as an entrepreneur.
Career opportunities
Upon graduation, you will be qualified for a range of roles requiring digital competencies. Depending on your personal learning path, you will be able to do the following: provide ICT support to end users, build new applications, draw up digital service process descriptions, deliver agile projects, build user-centred online stores, and design value-added digital solutions for businesses.
Structure of studies
The programme is divided into common core competences and complementary competences. Core competence studies equip you for a range of professional roles. Complementary competence studies allows you to extend your skills and specialize in an area of your interest. Complementary competences may consist of studies of your own field, multidisciplinary route studies or other skills supporting professional growth. Your personal tutor teacher will support and assist you throughout yourstudies.
- Core Competence 15 ECTS
- Professional Core Competence 99 ECTS
- Practical Training 30 ECTS
- Thesis 15 ECTS
Professional complementary courses and elective studies 46 ECTS
Want to know more?
For more information about Bachelor of Business Administration | Business Information Technology | full-time studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Hakeminen
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Bachelor of Business Administration
Ota yhteyttä
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu syntyi halusta uudistaa korkeakoulutusta ja työelämää – tehdä työstä merkityksellisempää. Haluttiin parempi työelämä, ja sitä varten tarvittiin parempi ammattikorkeakoulu. LAB aloitti toimintansa 1.1.2020, kun Lahden ja Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulut yhdistyivät. LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu on työelämän innovaatiokorkeakoulu, joka toimii Lahdessa, Lappeenrannassa ja verkossa. LAB tarjoaa...
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